Thanks for attending our workshop!
By electronic signing below, I acknowledge that I understand that participation in this workshop is not physical therapy (PT) and is not a substitute for medical examination, diagnosis or treatment.
All workshop activities will be thoroughly explained to me before I participate. Response to these activities varies from person to person and PT practice does not guarantee what the response will be to any specific activity. There may be a risk that participation may result in injury, aggravation of existing symptoms, or cause pain.
By signing below, I affirm that I am in adequate health and physical condition to participate in this workshop offered by Piton Physical Therapy LLC. I also affirm that I alone am responsible to decide whether to participate in this workshop and participation is at my own risk.
I have read this consent form and understand the risks involved in this workshop. I agree to hold Piton Physical Therapy LLC harmless for claims or damages in connection with participation in the above workshop. This is a contract between myself and Piton Physical Therapy LLC, and I understand that it is also a release of potential liability.